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The Project will deliver a marketplace associating to each remanufactured product or services/component for remanufacturing a Digital Passport-like set of information, ensuring full traceability.
Finally, a dedicated training programme will be designed and delivered, targeting the Project remanufacturing value chains in three different sectors (Scientific, Societal, Economic).
Generating knowledge new cross-comparative evidence
Empowering stakeholders in the manufacturing value chain
Enabling a new wave of services and business models
Generating knowledge and new cross-comparative evidence on the effective implementation of sustainable circular
value chains for the remanufacturing of energy goods, integrating advanced and suitably scaled green, digital and
mechatronics technologies, and social sciences and humanities approaches, thus accelerating the transformation of
the manufacturing sector in Europe (20% Carbon footprint reductions, 25% Environmental impact reduction, 10%
Cost reduction).
More precisely, R3-Mydas will deliver unprecedented impacts throughout the targeted value chains, up to:
Oil & Gas components:
• 60% Time reduction in laser-cladding programming for remanufacturing of crankshaft due to automated path-planning;
• 20% Increased quality during laser-cladding;
• 30% Rework reduction;
E-vehicles batteries:
• 20% Improvement in visualization of causal relationships between different phenomena;
• 30% Improved tiny anomalies detection;
• 50% Faster anomaly localization;
• 30% Increase the number of different modality data streams handled;
• 20% Faster fusion process speed;
Wind turbines gearboxes:
• 99% Reusage rate;
• -90% Prevention rate;
• -75% Lead time rate;
• 85% Raw material savings;
Empowering stakeholders in the manufacturing value chain for:
• End-users and industrial players - products/services/components/cores traceability and quality control;
• Professionals, workers and other job profiles- dedicated programmes for skills enhancing and education capabilities for remanufacturing.
Enabling a new wave of services and business models for remanufacturing of energy goods, accelerating the adoption of remanufacturing approaches in EU, creating new qualified jobs/business opportunities.